Club Ashfield

Club Ashfield Dress Regulations & Policies

Club Ashfield offers its Members and Guests Promotions, Free Friday Night Jazz, 6 Function Rooms, a Family Bistro, Play Gym and Social Activities to enjoy daily.

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Dress Regulations

Members and guests are required to be neatly, cleanly and appropriately attired at all times. Any decisions to propriety and cleanliness of clothing and its conformity to the Club’s regulation will be used at the Club’s discretion on an individual basis.

To maintain the high standard enjoyed in our Club we kindly request the below dress rules are followed.

The below attire is not permitted:

  • Football shorts, stubbies or short shorts.
  • Bare Feet
  • Training apparel/gym wear
  • Swimwear/Beachwear
  • Soiled or dirty clothing
  • Offensive Wear
  •  Men’s head wear
  • Untidiness or frayed clothing
  • Singlets

Obscene or offensive language or clothing will not be tolerated.

Responsible Service of Alcohol

In accordance with the Liquor Act of NSW and the Registered Club ACT, Club Ashfield and the
employees promote the responsible service of alcohol.

Our policy is:

  • Not to serve alcohol to intoxicated persons.
  • Not to serve alcohol to people who behave in a disorderly manner.
  • Not to serve alcohol to people who are under 18 years of age.
  • Not to host promotions which encourage excessive drinking or unfairly target women or men.
  •  Anyone who is believed to be intoxicated by alcohol, drugs or misuse of medication will not be allowed to enter the premises and will be required to leave. Procedures will be followed to ensure the safety, comfort and well-being of all customers and employees.

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