Club Ashfield 

Gambling Help

Approach a Staff member at our Club and you can initiate a self-exclusion.

Contact a gambling counsellor near your area – fnd the nearest gambling counsellor by calling: ClubSAFE Counselling 1800 99 77 66

If gambling isn’t fun anymore, it’s ok to ask for help.

Self-exclusion is a voluntary self-help program designed to offer anyone the ability to ban themselves from gaming areas in order to take control of their gambling habits.

You don’t have to hit rock-bottom before getting help. Just check in with yourself – if it’s no longer fun, it’s ok to put your hand up.

Policies and Dress Regulations

Sign a Deed of Self-Exclusion

This will determine the duration of the self-exclusion period (six months up to four years) and the venues you wish to be excluded from.

You will also be able to nominate the venue areas – the entire club, gaming areas only, or a total gambling ban.

After signing the deed, your photo will be taken and confidentially uploaded to the ClubSAFE Multi-Venue  Self-Exclusion (MVSE) system.

All the venues you choose will be immediately notified giving you peace of mind – many participants have reported the sense of relief this step brings.

Can I register someone else for self-exclusion

Self-exclusion is completely voluntary and entry into the program can only come from the person who wants to partcipate. However, if you are concerned about a family member or friend, contact ClubSAFE.

Self-exclusion and counselling are there to help you.

For confidential advice:

ClubSAFE Counselling:
1800 99 77 66

Gambling Help
1800 858 858
Phone, face to face or online counselling.



Woman in Silver V-neck Long-sleeved Dress
Shallow Focus Photography of Black Microphone

Gambling Policy Statement

Club Ashfield acknowledges the responsibility and privilege of holding a license to operate gaming machines and other forms of gambling within the state of New South Wales. Our venue encourages the responsible use of gambling facilities within the Club and abides by the Club Gaming Code of Practice.

The Board of Club Ashfield have formally adopted the following policy statement and will always:

Ensure the provision and use of gambling products occur in a safe and enjoyable manner;

Club Ashfield will prioritise customer welfare and sustainable gambling activities;

Club Ashfield will adopt responsible gambling and harm minimisation measures in accordance with the Club Gaming Code of Practice; and

Club Ashfield will promote the social and economic benefits of responsible gambling and the gaming industry.

Club Ashfield (02) 9798
Responsible Gambling Provider 0437 784 821
GambleAWARE NSW 1800 858 858
Licensing Police (02) 9745 8499